Find a Group or Service for LGBTIQA+ young people

Search through our directory to connect you with LGBTIQA+ groups and services all over Victoria.

Find a service for lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, intersex, trans and gender diverse young Victorians.

Acceptance Melbourne

Faith and Religion | Melbourne Metro

We are an open and affirming community in Melbourne, Australia that supports Catholics who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer.

Affirmation Station

Trans and Gender Diverse | Melbourne Metro

Melbourne's trans-led community hub supporting you on your gender journey.

Aleph Melbourne (LGBTIQ+ & JEWISH)

Faith and Religion | Melbourne South

Aleph Melbourne is a social, support and advocacy group for same-sex attracted, trans and gender diverse, and intersex people (and allies) who have a Jewish heritage, living in Melbourne, Australia

Alphabet Crew


The group provides a space where you can be yourself, meet great people, hear from guest speakers and get involved in community activities that celebrate diversity!

Alphabet Soup Mildura

Loddon Mallee

Alphabet Soup is a fortnightly discussion/activity/social and support group for young people aged 12-25 who are LGBTIQA.

Intersex Peer Support Australia (IPSA)

Intersex | State-Wide

Intersex Peer Support Australia is an intersex peer support, information and advocacy group for people born with variations in sex characteristics and their families.

Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council

Faith and Religion | Melbourne Metro

The Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council (AGMC) is the national peak body for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, queer individuals and community groups of multicultural and multifaith backgrounds.



AXIOS is a social group for LGBTQIA+ and questioning young people aged 12-25 in the Wellington Shire.

Be Ur Self

Melbourne East

Be Ur Self is a social support group for SSAITGD young people living, working or studying in the Cardinia Shire and surrounding areas. Be Ur Self meet weekly and offer a range of activities and opportunities for young people to share their experiences with like-minded people.

Bi+ Australia

Bisexuality | State-Wide

Bi+ Australia provide specialised counselling support for people who are attracted to more than one gender, or questioning their attraction or sexuality, and their families and loved ones.



BLISS is a fun and creative group for transgender, gender diverse and non-binary children to connect with other children like them.

BLOOM Online Support Group - eating disorders


This group is exclusively for the LGBTQIA+ community who are experiencing eating disorders. It is a safe space to discuss the dynamic challenges of eating disorders, body image, gender identity and sexuality and how this is impacting you at the moment.

Box Hill Eastern Diversity Group, EDG

Melbourne East

EDG is a support/social group for anyone aged 15-25 who identify as Diverse Sexuality and Gender, or are just not sure. It is the perfect place to socialise and be a part of educational workshops!

Pride Space, Casey

Melbourne South

Pride Space is a weekly program for young people aged 10 - 17 in Casey’s LGBTIQA+ community and allies.

Centre for Multicultural Youth

People of Colour | Melbourne Metro

The Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) is a community based organisation that provides services to and advocates for the needs of young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.


Mental Health | State-Wide

A suicide prevention hub made by LGBTIQA+ people who have thought about suicide, lived through suicide attempts, supported others in distress and live with the pain of loss through suicide.

Connect - Kingston

Melbourne South

Connect supports LGBTIQA+ young people to network with other members of the Rainbow Community through ongoing queer events held within the City of Kingston.

Crystal Queer, Brimbank Youth Services

Melbourne West

Crystal Queer is for young people aged 12-23 years who live, work, study or hang out in the Brimbank region and identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community or as an ally.

Diverse Kids Book Club

Melbourne West

Maribyrnong Library program, Diverse Kids Book Club. Suitable for ages 9+, this group will discuss topics such as race, gender, disability and cultural differences at an age-appropriate level to emphasise the importance of kindness and acceptance.

Diversity Project Greater Shepparton


The Diversity Project aims to create a safer, more inclusive, and healthier community for young people (aged up to 25yrs) in the City of Greater Shepparton (& beyond) who identify as LGBTIQA+.

Eastern Diversity Group

Melbourne Metro

Eastern Diversity Group (EDG) is a weekly group for LGBTQIA+ folks aged 15-25 who live, learn or work in the city of Whitehorse.

Emerge, Knox City

Melbourne East

Emerge is a fortnightly support group for people aged 18-25 years who may identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, gender diverse or questioning.

Family Access Network

Health | Melbourne Metro

We provide transitional housing for young people aged 15-25 who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness. We have three properties specifically for LGBTIQA+ young people. These properties are available to anyone residing in Victoria.

FAN LGBTIQ+ Pathways to Resilience

Melbourne East

As part of the Pathways to Resilience Network, Family Access Network offers individual counselling and art therapy support for LGBTIQ+ people aged 15-25 who have experienced family and domestic violence and who have links to the Maroondah, Yarra Ranges and Knox areas.

FAN Talking with Pride

Melbourne East

Talking with Pride is an art therapy support group for LGBTIQ+ young people aged 15-25 who have experienced family violence.

Federation University Rainbow Collective


Rainbow Collective is a support group for LGBTIQ students studying at FedUni, as well as any friends of the University. It is a club that is run by students, for students and hosts a number of small events and social gatherings throughout the year.

Fitzroy Legal Service

Legal Services | Melbourne East

Free legal advice service.

Free 2 Be Me, Knox City

Melbourne East

Free 2 Be Me provides a fun and safe space for young people aged 11-14 who identify as LGBTQIA+ or are questioning, with sessions running fortnightly after school hours.

Freedom 2 b

Faith and Religion | Melbourne Metro

freedom2b assists LGBTI people from Christian backgrounds on their journey to reconciling their faith, sexuality and gender identity.

Frontyard Youth Services / Melbourne Youth Support Service

Health | Melbourne Metro

Frontyard Integrated Youth Services work together to address the physical, social, and emotional needs of young people up to the age of 25, who spend time in the Melbourne CBD or who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.



The GASP project is Geelong’s safe and inclusive space for young people aged between 12-25. GASP provides a range of services and support to ensure that the strength and diversity of LGBTIQA+ young people are valued, celebrated and affirmed in the Geelong region.

Gateway Health Gender Service

Trans and Gender Diverse | Hume

The Gender Service provides a family-centred multidisciplinary approach to assessment and support for trans, gender diverse and non-binary children aged 3 to 17, and their families.

Glen Eira Pride

Melbourne South

Join us fortnightly on Monday afternoons in a hangout space and support group for LGBTQIA+ Young People.


Melbourne North

Glitter is a safe and inclusive space for LGBTQIA+ young people and allies to connect, share experiences and find support. The group encourages friendship, self-expression and a sense of belonging.

Greek and Gay Support Network

People of Colour | State-Wide

The Greek and Gay Support Network is an organisation fully run by volunteers which has been operating in Melbourne for over 21 years. It provides support and social services to gay and lesbian individuals of a Hellenic background.

headspace Bendigo Diversity Program

Loddon Mallee

headspace Bendigo has a dedicated LGBTIQA+ diversity worker who runs activities and events, educating and raising awareness in the community, at schools and other agencies and organisations in Bendigo. The LBGTIQA+ diversity worker also facilitates two support groups for LGBTIQA+ young people.

headspace Naree Warren LGBTIQA+ Pride Space

Melbourne Metro

House of Awesome

Loddon Mallee

The House of Awesome is a safe space for awesome young people in the Macedon Ranges to get together each fortnight with a WayOut facilitator.

Sexual Health Victoria

Health | Melbourne Metro

Sexual Health Victoria (SHV) is an independent, all-choice, health promotion charity and Reproductive & Sexual Health Clinic dedicated to education, advocacy and care. At SHV we embrace diversity and welcome everyone of all genders, sex, age, cultural background, sexual orientation, religion and ability.


Family | Melbourne Metro

TransFamily is a Peer Support Group for parents, siblings, extended family and /or friends of a trans person.


People of Colour | Melbourne Metro

(in)visible is a community driven peer-led program developed by and for young queer, trans and intersex people of colour (QTIPOC - pronounced cutie-poc) from culturally and spiritually diverse backgrounds, aged 16-25 years through regular workshops and events, promoting building positive peer relationships.

Intersex Human Rights Australia: IHRA

Intersex | State-Wide

Intersex Human Rights Australia Ltd is an independent support, education and policy development organisation, by and for people with intersex variations or traits. Our work focuses on human rights, bodily autonomy and self-determination, and on evidence-based, patient-directed healthcare.

Justice Connect Stage 2 Access Service

Legal Services | State-Wide

At Justice Connect, we believe in a world where the law works. When people and community groups are not getting the help they need for their legal problems, our community can’t be fair nor strong. Those who miss out constitute the justice gap.

Knox Parents Group

Melbourne East

Knox's parents and carers of LGBTIQ+ children/young people meet monthly to discuss the unique challenges and joys of raising LGBTIQ+ children.

Knox Rainbow Youth Action Group

Melbourne East

The Knox Rainbow Youth Action Group is for LGBTIQ+ people aged 16-25 who are keen to develop new skills and are passionate about advocacy. You’ll participate in fortnightly meetings, undertake training, organise events and get involved in community education activities, such as public speaking at functions and schools.

LGBTIQA+ Support After Suicide


A free 8-week bereavement support group for LGBTIQA+ community members who have been bereaved by suicide. This peer-led program offers a supportive space for LGBTIQA+ suicide loss survivors where their lives, relationships, experiences and the unique challenges they face after a suicide are understood.

Living Faith Church

Faith and Religion | Melbourne Metro

Living Faith Church (LFC) is an inclusive and accepting multi-denominational church (Uniting Church and Church of Christ) in Greensborough.

MCC Melbourne

Faith and Religion | Melbourne East

Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) Melbourne is a caring and diverse Christian faith community, providing a safe space for all, but with a specific outreach to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and questioning individuals and their allies

4 Me, Knox City

Melbourne East

4 Me is a support program for rainbow young people aged 14 - 18 who live, work, study or hang out in the City of Knox. In a safe environment, young people who identify as LGBTIQ+ or are questioning will be able to explore their relationships with themselves, others and their community.

Melbourne Aces Meetup

Melbourne Metro

Melbourne Aces Meetup is a social (and occasional support) group for asexual people anywhere in Australia - though that being said, most meetups will be in Melbourne.

Melbourne Sexual Health Centre

Health | Melbourne Metro

Melbourne Sexual Health Centre (MSHC) is Victoria’s leading clinic for the testing and treatment of sexually transmissible infections.

Minus 18

Melbourne Metro

Minus18 is Australia’s charity improving the lives of LGBTQIA+ youth via life-affirming youth events, digital resources, and education for the whole community.

Moorabool LGBTIQA+ youth

Melbourne West

Join Moorabool Youth Services to connect with your peers and have some fun!

MY Pride: Manningham

Melbourne East

MY Pride is a social support group for LGBTQIA+ and their allies; with one group for ages 12-17 and one for ages 18-25.

MY Rainbow Group

Melbourne North

A safe inclusive youth group where queer young people can meet up, make connections with peers while doing fun activities such as craft, games, workshops, or just listening to music and chatting!

Northside Clinic

Health | Melbourne North

Northside Clinic is dedicated and committed to providing respectful and inclusive healthcare to our community. Northside Clinic is an independent and private general practice owned by local, experienced GPs in Melbourne’s inner north suburb of Fitzroy North.

Parenting Trans and Gender Diverse Children and Teens


An 8 week program designed to support you to parent your trans and gender diverse child with confidence and understanding.

Parents of Gender Diverse Children

Trans and Gender Diverse | State-Wide

Parents of Gender Diverse Children is made up of a group of parents who have come together to advocate for and support gender diverse children and their families.

Peninsula Pride

Melbourne South

Peninsula Pride is a Queer Straight Alliance (QSA) Youth Program funded through Victorian State Government’s Healthy Equal Youth project

PERK: Parents Empowering Rainbow Kids

Loddon Mallee

Monthly network for parents of LGBTIQ+ young people in Macedon Ranges and district, aimed at supporting each other, and LGBTIQ+ young people.

PRIDE+ Social Group

Melbourne East

Pride+ Social Group at Hungry 4 Success Café and Catering at Eastland is a vibrant hub for community interaction and support.

Pride Tribe

Loddon Mallee

A group for Swan Hill College students which meets every Thursday from 1-1:30pm at Swan Hill College.


Melbourne South

PRISM is a pride group facilitated by and for young people aged 12-25


Health | Melbourne East

PRONTO! is a new, fast, free and confidential rapid HIV testing site, for men who have sex with men and provided by those who know them best.


Legal Services | Melbourne Metro

Q+Law is a specialist LGBTIQA+ peer-led legal service in Victoria.

Q Program, Wyndham City

Melbourne West

Wyndham City’s Youth Services Q Program is a safe and supported online environment for young people between the ages of 12-25, who identify as LGBTIQ+.


Mental Health | State-Wide

QLife provides Australia-wide anonymous, LGBTI peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.


Peer Support | Melbourne Metro

Qrise is dedicated to eliminating mental health inequalities among LGBTIQ+ young Australians through mental health training, youth development programs and peer support.


Melbourne North

QSpace is part of headspace in Glenroy and is a peer-led group for same-sex attracted and gender diverse young people in the community aged 15-25.

Queer Book Group, Maribyrnong Library Service

Melbourne West

Designed by the Queer community for the Queer community, come along to the Queer Book Group to read and discuss books by gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, asexual and queer voices.

Queer in Kingston (QIK)

Melbourne South

QIK is a free, confidential, online social support group for young people aged 14-25 years who may identify as same sex attracted, gender diverse, or questioning their sexuality and gender and who have a connection to the City of Kingston.

queerspace, drummond street services

Mental Health | State-Wide

queerspace is an LGBTIQ+ health and wellbeing support service established in 2009 by LGBTIQ+ communities for LGBTIQ+ communities. queerspace has a focus on relationships, families, parenting and young people and offers co-located services across Victoria.

Rainbow Connections, Mornington Peninsula

Melbourne South

Rainbow Connections is a support group for trans, non binary and gender diverse children and young people and their families in the Mornington Peninsula area.. The group meets every second Thursday from 5:30 -7:30 in a safe and supportive environment.

Rainbow Eagles (Latrobe University Bendigo)

Loddon Mallee

Rainbow Eagles is a student led club under the Bendigo Student Association, that is supported by the counselling service.

Rainbow Family Playgroup in the North-East

Melbourne Metro

Come along for play and chats with other Rainbow Families.

Rainbow Space Banyule

Melbourne North

Rainbow Space Banyule provide a safe a social space for LGBTIQA+ young people, their friends and allies aged 12 – 24 years who live work, go to school or hang out in Banyule.

Rainbow Valley

Melbourne Metro

Rainbow Valley is open to young people (aged 12-25) who live, work, study or hang out in Moonee Valley and identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender-diverse, intersex, non-binary and queer (LGBTIQA+) or are questioning, curious or exploring their gender identity, sexual orientation and/or attractions.

Rainbow Young Carers


Rainbow Young Carers is a safe space for all Young Carers (aged 8 to 18) who identify as LGBTIQA+ to connect with other young rainbow carers. They may be caring for family members or friends who have any of the following; chronic or terminal illness, disability, mental health condition, or who are frail due to age.

Rainbow Youth Action Group, Knox City

Melbourne East

The Rainbow Youth Action Group is for LGBTQAI+ people aged 16-25 who are keen to develop new skills and are passionate about advocacy. You’ll participate in monthly meetings, undertake training and get involved in community education activities such as fundraising and public speaking at functions and schools.

Rural Rainbows

Melbourne East

Rural Rainbows is a social meetup for young LGBTIQA+ community members and allies aged 12-25.

Safe in the South West & YUMCHA Diversity Group


The Safe in the South West program is strengthening the capacity of South West Victorian community in supporting young people who identify same-sex attracted, sex and gender diverse.

Safe Schools

Mental Health | State-Wide

The Safe Schools program helps schools foster a safe environment that is supportive and inclusive of LGBTIQ students. The Safe Schools program is managed and delivered directly by the Department of Education and Training.

SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Alliance)

Loddon Mallee

A group for all LGBTIQA+ young people and their allies aged 12-25. This group meets monthly at Swan Hill Youth Inc. This group provides a safe space for same sex attracted and sex and gender diverse (SSASGD) young people to connect socially and to advocate for the rainbow community.

Skittle Squad, Mornington Peninsula Youth Services

Melbourne South

Skittle Squad is a safe and inclusive social group for LGBTIQA+ and allies aged between 10 and 17 years old. Activities include crafts, art, games, and cooking. There is also a Skittle Squad excursion each school holiday.

Skittles, Boroondara

Melbourne Metro

Boroondara Youth’s rainbow group Skittles is now open for young people in high school, from years 7 to 9.

Stepping Out!

Melbourne North

Stepping Out! is a SSAITGD youth activity and events group for those living, working or studying in the Whittlesea City Council area.

Strong Brother Strong Sister

A safe space for LGBT+ identifying Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people (13-25). This group will meet every Wednesday from the 8th of July to September 16th, 4-6 pm on Zoom.


Peer Support | State-Wide

Switchboard Victoria provides a peer-driven support services for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and gender divers, intersex, queer and asexual (LGBTIQA+) people, their families, allies and communities

The Identity Clinic

Trans and Gender Diverse | State-Wide

The Identity Clinic is a boutique LGBTQIA+ psychology clinic, offering 1:1 clinical intervention, exclusively to the queer community. Working in the areas of gender diversity and working with the transgender community. They also offer gender and neuro affirming Autism, ADHD and functional capacity assessments.

The Space

Melbourne West

The Space is a social support group for young people aged 12-25 years who identify as LBGTIQA+ or an ally. We hang out, share stories and support one another.

Transcend Australia

Trans and Gender Diverse | State-Wide

Transcend Australia is charity that provides support and information for parents and carers who have trans, gender diverse or non binary children.


Melbourne Metro

Transfamily is a peer support group for family, partners, friends and loved ones of trans and gender diverse (TGD) people. The group acknowledges and respects the personal decisions of TGD people and provides peer support and guidance to others who want to learn how best to support the TGD people in their lives.

Transgender Victoria

Trans and Gender Diverse | Melbourne Metro

TGV is Victoria’s leading body for trans and gender diverse advocacy. We work to achieve justice, equity and inclusive service provision for trans and gender diverse people, their partners, families and friends.

The Victorian Pride Lobby

Legal Services | Melbourne Metro

The Victorian Pride Lobby works towards equality, social justice and human rights for members of the LGBTIQ community.

VincentCare Victoria / Housing Service

Melbourne Metro

VincentCare is a specialist housing and homelessness service that supports people who are homeless, at risk of being homeless or experiencing a housing crisis. VincentCare Victoria welcomes people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, gender diverse or intersex.

Way Out Pride Crew

Loddon Mallee

WayOut supports a fortnightly Pride Crew for LGBTIQ+ students and allies at both Kyneton Secondary College (Mondays) and Gisborne Secondary College (Tuesdays) during lunch hour.

Whatever, Morwell


A fortnightly social and support group for LGBTIQ+ young people (12-25 year olds) in the La Trobe Valley, supported by Headspace Morwell.


Mental Health | State-Wide

A telephone support, referral, and telecounselling service that provides resources, tips and advice for LGBTIQ+ people on having and maintaining healthy relationships. They also provide support for LGBTIQ+ people of all ages and their families experiencing difficulty in their relationships, including family violence.


Melbourne North

YGLAM is a performing arts project for LGBTIQA+ people between the ages of 14-25. No experience is necessary, just enthusiasm and commitment.

Young & Gay

Melbourne Metro

Young & Gay is a free, 6 week workshop for guys age 26 years and under who are attracted to other guys

Your Community Health

Trans and Gender Diverse | State-Wide

We aim to provide gender affirmative health care services.

Youth Substance Abuse Service (YSAS)

Health | Melbourne Metro

The YSAS Queer Youth Withdrawal Program is the only one of its type in Australia, designed specifically to support young GLBTQI people aged 12-21 who are experiencing issues with alcohol + other drugs.



ZAQUE is headspace Ballarat’s Diversity group!

Zoe Belle Gender Collective

Trans and Gender Diverse | State-Wide

Zoe Belle Gender Collective (ZBGC) is a trans and gender diverse led advocacy organisation based in Victoria.

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