What We Do
About the Rainbow Network
Established in 1998, Rainbow Network began as an intimate peer support group of workers who would meet to discuss the shared challenges they faced when working towards meeting the needs of LGBTIQ+ young people.
Join with thousands of other members across Victoria creating safe and inclusive services and spaces for LGBTIQA+ young people.
- Exchange ideas, information and resources
- Discuss issues that may emerge when working with young people, their families, schools and community agencies
- Exchange ideas, information and resources
- Discuss issues that may emerge when working with young people, their families, schools and community agencies
- Hear from guest speakers about the latest research, government initiatives or community information
- Advocate for same sex attracted, intersex, trans and gender diverse young people
- Develop partnerships between agencies and schools aimed at empowering young people to participate in decision making and community development
- Plan and develop activities for same sex attracted, intersex, trans and gender diverse young people
- Engage in same sex attracted, intersex, trans and gender diverse youth-led activities and initiatives
Training and networking
Rainbow Network training explores the everyday experiences of young LGBTIQ+ people by hearing their stories and studying evidence-based research. Participants also explore inclusive practice principles and how to apply these within their organisation.
Rainbow Network eBulletin
Membership means a subscription to our monthly newsletter- keeping you up to date on the latest events, research and resources, as well as priority invites to sector training and events.
Rainbow Network provides specialist advice, policy submission and advocacy to local and state government to ensure LGBTIQA+ inclusive youth practice remains on the agenda.
Community of Practice Groups
Rainbow Network recognises the key to building safer, more inclusive environments for young LGBTIQA+ Victorians relies on workers and support people feeling safe and supported in their practice. Because of this, Rainbow Network has developed a range of professional communities of practice for its members to share and develop good practice.
Rainbow Network Resources
Members have access to a selection of current resources and the latest sector research.