Justice Connect Stage 2 Access Service
Legal Services | State-Wide

At Justice Connect, we believe in a world where the law works. When people and community groups are not getting the help they need for their legal problems, our community can’t be fair nor strong. Those who miss out constitute the justice gap.
We collaborate with the right people and organisations — pro bono firms, healthcare services, homelessness groups and more — to get the right help to the right people at the right time. And we’re creative about it. We’re always thinking about how we can do things better and increase our reach and impact.
We are more than your average legal service. We’re a network of thousands of the nation’s best legal minds, coming together to help people and organisations find legal solutions to their everyday problems.
We’re always working on creative ways of getting the right help to those who need it. To people in crisis who need intensive support. To the ‘missing middle’ — people who can’t afford legal help and can’t get traditional free help — and to not-for-profit groups grappling with complicated rules and regulations.
We make the law work for good.