Rainbow Network Training

LGBTIQ+ inclusive practice training for youth settings

We are in the process of developing an online training module that will explore the experiences of young LGBTIQ+ people by hearing their stories and studying evidence-based research, as well as inclusive practice principles and how to apply these within your organisation. In the meantime we suggest you explore our all- ages modules on the Rainbow Health Australia website.

Rainbow Health Australia Training Programs

Rainbow Health Australia provides evidence-based and engaging learning experiences, drawing on research, lived experiences of LGBTIQ people and inclusive practice principles to support individuals and organisations to be more LGBTIQ inclusive.

Find out more here

Past participants

“Very digestible yet thorough content. Easily understandable for people with limited knowledge, yet engaging for someone who has some knowledge/experience. Covered such an incredible breadth of information. Presenters worked/engaged well with each other”
anonymous attendee

Hope Street Youth and Family Services
“The mix of both the theoretical perspective with the voice of young people and very concrete examples of how to make our services inclusive was very valuable”
anonymous attendee

“Excellent opportunities for discussion. Great resources. Created a safe space, enjoyable and engaging”
anonymous attendee
